Friday, 26 April 2019

Observation Post block remnants

Stone the crows?
The following is from an article entitled "Stone the crows?" and 
published in an unknown publication from the 1980s.

Ever wondered just where those stones on Woorim beach just north of the Boyd Street lookout came from?

The foundation blocks from old World War Two
fortifications scattered on Woorim beach.
Photo from the 1980s.

They were, in fact, part of a lookout constructed by the army during World War Two when there was fear of a Japanese invasion.  The lookout was situated up on the sand dunes directly behind where the fallen stones are now [1980s] situated.

Constructed on sturdy wooden trunks the stone shelter was believed to have been built around 1941 and was still standing in 1946 when local resident Margaret Campbell took a photo of a friend of hers sitting in front of the lookout.

As the Observation Post appeared in 1946.
This local lady is pictured in front of the Woorim look-out
which is now [1980s] but a pile of rubble.

Margaret said that she wasn't sure when the lookout fell or exactly what happened to it. She said that it may have just worn with age or the dune gave way with erosion over the years.

But the stones and some pieces of the wooden poles can be clearly seen [in the 1980s] on the beach and depending on the tides at times more are uncovered.

Stone the crows? article from the 1980s. Source unknown.
Source: BIHS historical database CC88_037

If you have any information about the above article or photos or if you have a similar photos that you would like to share, our email address is

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