Friday 27 September 2024

1961 Water Supply Switching On ceremony

 On 4 November 1961, a "Switching On" ceremony for Bribie Island's water supply was held at Bongaree. The following article describes the day's events.

Switching on Ceremony [water supply] 
Vice-Regal Triumph at Bribie

In clear ringing tones came the final words of His Excellency Sir Henry Abel Smith K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., D.S.O., as he concluded his speech at the opening of the Bribie Island water scheme on Saturday: “It is now my privilege to switch on the fresh water supply to Bribie Island”.  And then the irrepressible, effervescent humanity of the Vice-Regal visitor broke through. Sir Henry, with a twinkling smile, a mercurial flick of the hands, and a whimsical chuckle, turned and said: “I don’t know where the switch is – someone will have to show me!”

The crowd loved it. It cheered and then it chuckled too, as the chairman of the Caboolture Shire (Cr. S.A. Clayton), piloted His Excellency down the gentle incline to where the switch stood.  A pause, a twitch to the switch, and then another chuckle came as three jets of water sprayed dramatically to a height of thirty feet to proclaim the official reticulation of water to Bribie Island. Again the crowd roared but it had eyes only for the Governor. He had won their hearts as he has wherever he has “performed” in any part of the State.

"Three jets of water sprayed dramatically to a height of thirty feet
to proclaim the official reticulation of water to Bribie Island"
Photo: Caboolture Shire Council
Repository: QSA id 305320

Sir Henry’s humanity had asserted itself early in the piece when he chatted informally with the Guard of Honour provided by the Bribie Island Surf Life-saving Club headed by President Les Boyland, and again when he stepped away from the official party to congratulate Kathie Eliasson, drum-major of the Caboolture State School’s Drum and Fife Band on their playing. 

And so the day wore on – with the Governor winning more and more hearts, stopping to chat with old Bribie identifies on his way to the Bongaree Bowling Club pavilion; and again, while there, mixing informally with as many persons as he could and making himself completely at home.  It was a great day for Bribie – and the Shire of Caboolture – for it was the first occasion on which His Excellency had paid an official visit to the Shire and it was the first occasion on which a Governor of Queensland had officiated at any ceremony on historic Bribie Island.

The island did itself proud for the day – and so did the weather despite a threat of rain earlier in the morning.  The day was radiant, the waters of the Passage sparkled in the sunshine; the spectacular plum-shaded masses of the Glasshouse Mountains beckoned to the north; the ladies wore their gayest frocks and the Marching Girls and the school-children from both Bribie Island and Caboolture in their colourful attire bedecked the sylvan scenes with freshness and warmth.

Mr. D. McNaught, head-teacher of the Bribie Island School, had charge of the pre-ceremony programme and his pupils gave a note-worthy display of folk-dancing in between programmes of recorded music which kept the crowd in good humour.  The Caboolture Marching Girls, marshalled by Mr. H. Shew and Mr. C.Duffy, instructor of the senior team, gave several displays of marching which amply demonstrated the excellent progress the girls are making.  Their eye-catching uniforms of blue and vieux rose, and lemon and green, gave added zest to their demonstrations.  The Caboolture Drum and Fife Band, in white uniforms with olive-green forage caps and green sashes, marched seventy strong prior to the official ceremony giving a number of tuneful selections which were true crowd-pleasers, too.  With the arrival of His Excellency, they “piped him in” with “Advance Australia Fair”.

To all these people a vote of thanks was carried by acclamation at the conclusion of the ceremony on the call of Cr. E. Bateman, (deputy chairman of the Shire of Caboolture). Apologies for non-attendance were announced from the Premier (Hon. G.F.R. Nicklin), Mr. D. Low, M.H.R. (Maroochy) and Mr. Sewell (Director of Local Government). The Shire chairman (Cr. S.A. Clayton) was ably assisted by Mrs. Clayton with the reception of the guests both at the official enclosure and at the Bongaree Bowling Clubhouse.

Governor Sir Henry Abel Smith chatting informally with the
Guard of Honour provided by the Bribie Island Surf Life-saving
Club headed by President Les Boyland.
Photo: Caboolture Shire Council
Repository: QSA id 305320
The chairman of the Shire of Caboolture, Cr. S.A. Clayton, extended a very hearty welcome to His Excellency and expressed their pleasure at having him with them that day to turn on the water supply to Bribie Island. “It is, I believe”, said Cr. Clayton, “the first time that a Governor of Queensland has been the guest of the Caboolture Shire Council and the number of people assembled here today shows how much your visit is appreciated.

The turning on of the water supply to the island, said Cr. Clayton, marked the completion of another stage in his Council’s progressive water supply policy.  It meant that the towns of Caboolture, Bongaree, and Woorim now had treated water supplies reticulated to each house. Construction work was in progress for supplying treated water to Woodford and plans had also been completed and approved by the council for a similar supply to Deception Bay.

With the completion of the bridge across Pumicestone Passage both Bongaree and Woorim would grow rapidly, added Cr. Clayton, and he knew of one development company that would have 200 blocks for sale when the bridge went across.  There were others, too, no doubt, that would also have large quantities of land for sale.  This would inevitably mean that the size of the water treatment plant would have to be increased and more bores connected to the system. “To this end”, said Cr. Clayton, “the council is having comprehensive records kept which will show the drawn down and recovery rates of each bore which will give the necessary information for the extension of the scheme.

The extensive works that were required to provide the water supply for Bribie Island were carried out for the council by various contractors supervised by Messrs. John Wilson and Partners to whom his fellow councilors and he were very grateful.  While he was diffident about singling out anyone for special thanks, he felt that he had to voice the council’s appreciation of the yeoman work done by Mr. Derek Stringfellow during the period that the works were in progress.

Some added information on the unique nature of the Bribie Island water scheme were given in a short address by Mr. R.D. King-Scott, Chief Engineer to the Local Government Department, who said that 650 acres of land had actually been resumed for water supply purposes but to date only 135 acres had been utilised.  The bores which provided the supply were each 8-inch tubes surrounded by 15-inches of gravel and spaced 700-ft. apart. The system of collection of water was in use nowhere else in Queensland. Bundaberg and Mackay, although they too drew their supply from underground, actually tapped river sources, where Bribie Island’s scheme derived from a great saucer or sponge which retained the great mass of rainfall which accrued on the island.  This rainwater, despite losses from evaporation and from other causes, was retained in the sand to the extent of between 20 and 30 percent of the yearly fall (which, in the case of Bribie was about 45 inches) and thus provided the bores with an adequacy of water for all the needs of the island.

Pointing out that one inch of rain on one acre yielded 22,000 gallons of water, Mr. King-Scott said that the figures for complete yield very quickly went into more than the million-gallon mark on the resumed area.  The accumulated water was pumped from the six bores 30-ft. below ground level to the treatment works at Woorim and from there, after treatment, it was pumped into the two towers at Woorim and Bongaree and then into the reticulation system.  Mr. King-Scott congratulated the council on their enterprise in undertaking the scheme to supply the island and on their successful achievement in bringing it to the stage where the water could be turned on that day.

The peculiar pride that resides in the hearts of Island people and a colourful resume of the quaint history of Bribie Island were features of the official speech by His Excellency at the opening of the Water Scheme.  “It is indeed a pleasant task which you have given me to perform this afternoon”, said Sir Henry in opening his address.  “What is there about an island which makes its inhabitants regard it with a peculiar pride?  “It has always been so in history from the time of the ancient Greeks, who placed their earthly paradise not on any mainland but in what they called the Fortunate Islands – somewhere out in the western ocean. “What is it that gives an island the special charm? I think the main reason is that an island has its clear physical limits and the mind is able to grasp it and make a picture of the whole.  Our imagination may be kindled by big things – the vastness of Australia – but it is on little things that our affections lay hold.

“Your island is historic in the annals of Australian history.  Only eleven years had elapsed after Governor Philip landed at Botany Bay, when Flinders set foot on these shores whilst he was looking for the entrance to the Brisbane River. An affray took place with the local aborigines, Flinders named the location Skirmish Point.  “Accompanying Flinders on this voyage of discovery was his devoted and loyal servant Bongaree – King and Supreme Chief of the Sydney Tribe.  Such was Flinders’ regard for Bongaree that he took him on all his navigating and exploring voyages.

“I pray that the historic island of Bribie will bring health, happiness, and recreation to many thousands of our people in Queensland and that when its noble forests have grown up they, too, will bring work to many thousands of other people”.


Governor Wins All Bribie Hearts. Switching on Ceremony [water supply]. Vice-Regal Triumph.
North Coast & Stanley District News, Thur 9 Nov 1961, p. 1 & p. 4.

Photos. Caboolture Shire Council Scrapbook 1924-1965.
Queensland State Archives ID 305320

Saturday 24 August 2024

Toorbul Days 3 : Early Events

Roy Bliss (1922-2015) was a boat builder of Moreton Bay and owned the bay cruiser Ardarth. In the following poem, Roy mentions his grandmother's brother Charlie Brown (1874-1953) who was a jeweller in Brisbane before moving to Toorbul in 1919 to work as an oysterman. Roy writes Charlie "engraved pictures on pearl shell, mainly depicting a yacht". Later in the late 1940s and early 1950s Charlie Brown lived on Bribie Island.
If you have one of Charlie Brown's engraved pearl shells or any other information about Charlie's life at Toorbul or Bribie Island, please send BIHS an email so we can record the details.

 Toorbul Days 3 : Early Events

By Roy W. Bliss

(Reproduced with the kind permission of the family)

I arrived at Toorbul when only three weeks old,
I was a cranky little B-aby, so I've been told.
We rented Bill Freeman's house up towards Elimbah Creek,
About half a mile north from Dad's parents, so meek.

Toorbul Days Sketch by Roy W. Bliss (c)

In a hut near the beach lived Grandma's brother Charlie Brown,
A talented person who just could not live in town,
He engraved pictures on pearl shells, mainly depicting a yacht.
Made a one-string fiddle, which he played quite a lot.
Charlie helped farm the oysters and on us kids he would dote.
A few years later on, he built his own boat.

Grandpa nurtured his oysters, he worked really hard,
Grew passionfruit, grapes and vegies in his half acre backyard.
His work boat was flat-bottomed and eighteen feet long,
He rowed standing up as he sang his best song.

Grandma was so gentle, us kids she would mind,
Hard times she was having, she was a saint and so kind,
Mum had her hands full with my brother and me,
Dad ran his launch to Bribie, to take fishing parties to sea.

There's no future in oysters, my Dad came to see,
So we moved back to Brisbane, Mum, Dad, Ossie and me.
Dad sold the boat's engine and pushed the hull up the creek,
So that she wouldn't sink far because of her leak.
It was about 1925 that decision was made,
And Dad got the chance to go back to his trade.

Back at old Toorbul, Grandpa looked ahead,
Whilst rowing his boat to his old oyster bed.
With his snake stick in hand along the foreshore he hiked,
Not much money in oysters but it's the lifestyle he liked.

Ned Bishop, two miles south, jovial and rash,
He was plump and pleasant and wore a walrus moustache.
We took the train to Caboolture, to co-ordinate with Old Ned.
He loaded groceries for Toorbul and charged us two bob a head.

He drove his old Essex, knew every bump on the track,
And if he missed one, he would sometimes go back.
His lovely daughter Adie, a real farm girl of course.
Would deliver the milk, riding bareback on her horse.

The bird life at Toorbul, spoonbills, osprey, cormorants and swans,
Cranes, seagulls, butcherbirds, parrots and wild ducks in their ponds.
Dark green foliage, white beaches, blue waters and sky.
Magnificent Glasshouse Mountains, to the northwest they lie.
I have crammed in these things as they came to my mind,
I would never have wanted to leave them behind.

I could appreciate the beauty in this place by the sea.
The view from our Brisbane home was the Toowong Cemetery.
In July 1929 when I was aged seven,
My sister Dorothy arrived directly from heaven.

My grandparents stayed on at Toorbul until the war years,
A bit late in their lives to start new careers.
It's now many years since they both passed away,
One fails to think properly until one's old and grey
I hope I said, "Thankyou," for all they had done,
It helped me through life, and I had so much fun.

(c) Roy W. Bliss

Poem is accompanied by sketches of a house with stairs and tank on the side of the house (copy above), a man named Ned and a car, a man standing up rowing a small dinghy with four of the Glasshouse Mountains in the background.


We acknowledge the kind permission of the Bliss family allowing BIHS to reproduce Roy Bliss' poem and one of his sketches on this blog. 

Further reading

Poem: Glimpses of the sea by Roy W. Bliss

Vale - Roy Bliss
The Log (Wooden Boat Association of Queensland Inc) Feb 2015, p. 4-5.

Saturday 27 July 2024

1947 Road to Toorbul Point jetty

An article about the road to Toorbul Point covered with felled trees and beehives in February 1947.

Bees and Trees Bar Toorbul Point Road

Courier Mail 21.2.1947 page 5

These felled trees completely blocked a road leading from Caboolture to Toorbul Point, 40 miles north of Brisbane.

Trees bar Toorbul Point Road - February 1947
Photo: Courier Mail 21.2.1947 p. 5

The road, which was constructed by the army during the war, runs partly through private property and partly through council land at this point.

Leading through to a jetty from which mail is shipped over to Bribie Island, this section of the road is at present by-passed by a rough track twisting through trees.

The Caboolture Shire Council has plans before the Lands Department for the resumption of the land which includes the road.

Beehives On Way

On the approach to the road from the jetty these bee hives (below) owned by Mr. O. Bestman, through whose property the road passes at this point, bar the way.

Beehives bar Toorbul Point road - Feburary 1947.
Photo: Courier Mail 21.2.1947 p. 5

Mr. J. C. Clark, through whose property the road also passes near this point, said last night that he could not comment on either the block or the proposed resumption at this stage.

The Caboolture Shire Clerk (Mr. S. Lang) said yesterday that a survey of the road from Caboolture to Toorbul Point had been made. It had been found that the military road was the most suitable and most practical route to the point.

A great deal of the council's money would also be saved.


Bees and Trees Bar Toorbul Pt Road. Courier Mail 21.2.1947 p. 5
[Via Trove]:

Saturday 29 June 2024

Road to Toorbul Point

 The following letter to the editor dated Sep 1926 was sent by James Clark (1857-1933) regarding the question of a road to run through his property at Toorbul Point thus allowing public access to the Bribie Passage and at the same time not interfere with his business at Toorbul Point.
In his letter to the editor James Clark refers to a sketch of the road on a map of the district which accompanied his letter dated 28 July 1926 to the Caboolture Shire Council.

Road to Bribie.

Letter dated Sep 1926 by James Clark
to the editor of the Daily Mail (Brisbane)

Sir, - For some time past the question of a road to Toorbul Point to give access to Bribie Island has been under consideration by the Caboolture Shire Council. For the information of those interested I may state that the following letter offering a road was sent by me to the Caboolture Shire Council on July 28:

“Re Toorbul Point road: Some time ago a deputation waited on the council and petitioned that a road be opened through my property at Toorbul Point. After various visits to the Point by the council and inspections by the council engineer, it was decided by the council to let the matter rest in abeyance.

Building on James Clark's property, Toorbul Point.
Daily Mail 16.12.1924 p.16
“Since then I have been approached by several residents and people interested in Bribie Island, and have promised to write to the council with the object of having a road made available that would give access to Bribie Passage and at the same time not interfere with my business at Toorbul Point. With the object, therefore, of obtaining the council’s assistance in the matter, I enclose portion of a map of the district under discussion with a proposed road sketched on it that I think would be satisfactory to all concerned. I would erect at my own cost the fence shown on the map. I would lease the land on the northern side of the fence to the council for road purposes for say 29 years, at a nominal rental. I would donate £100 towards the expense of making the road. I retain all rights of the land, with the exception of the easement for road purposes granted to your council.

“No buildings, with the exception of a shed at or near the proposed jetty to be erected without my permission.

“The public telephone at present at my cottage at Toorbul Point to be removed and placed in the shed at the proposed jetty. The council to clearly mark the new road to Bribie Passage with suitable signposts so as to avoid any mistake being made and also to assist me in closing the present private track.

“I would also ask your council to definitely accept or refuse this offer within three months from the present date, and, should the council accept, to be prepared to start the work on the road immediately. Should the council wish to discuss the matter with me, I would be pleased to attend a council meeting.”

No doubt those interested will perceive that I do not wish to prevent the public from getting access to Bribie Passage provided my business and valuable oyster leases at Toorbul Point are not interfered with. The road proposed by me leads to the passage at Ninghi Creek Point, where there is the deepest water to be obtained anywhere around the property, and where the expense of erecting a suitable jetty would be very little. I may say that up to the present no reply has been received by me from the Caboolture Shire Council,
Yours, etc., JAMES CLARK (per J.C. Clark).

Source: Letter to the editor "Road to Bribie" by James Clark (per J.C. Clark). The Daily Mail (Brisbane) Wed 22 Sep 1926 p. 3 

Further Reading

Patricia Mercer, 'Clark, James (1857–1933)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University, published first in hardcopy 1981, accessed online 30 June 2024.

Friday 14 June 2024

Bongaree Heritage Trail 2022

Bongaree Heritage Trail - 2022 

12 signs along the Pumicestone Passage that tell Bribie's unique history

In June 2022 the Moreton Bay Regional Council in collaboration with the Bribie Island Historical Society installed twelve 2m high free-standing signs for a Bongaree Trail showcasing Bribie's history and natural environment.

The signs commence near the IGA store at Kangaroo Avenue and are installed along the Pumicestone Passage, ending at the end of South Esplanade.

1. Bribie in a can - the history of fish canning on Bribie Island.

Bribie was home to several fish canneries in the early 1900s – when fish were plentiful and people were few. ‘Anchor’ and ‘Lighthouse’ brands were produced at the northern (lighthouse) end of the island, opposite Golden Beach, and ‘Diver’ at this site here at Bongaree.

The Diver brand and cannery were built by savvy Brisbane businesswoman Sarah Balls, known as ‘Mum’ for her hands-on approach to business. At its peak, the Diver cannery employed 20 people and was capable of processing two tons of fish and around 10,000 cans per day.

The factory comprised a state-of-the-art refrigeration room and four pressure cookers. The fresh water needed for the canning process was drawn from springs once used by the local Indigenous people. Fishermen delivered catches of mullet, whiting, snapper, bream, flathead, tailor, kingfish and jewfish to an adjoining jetty here.

The long-term viability of the Bribie canneries was compromised by the fact that our warm water fish are not ideally suited to canning – and dwindling fish stocks.

The environmental impact of large commercial operations like the canneries led to the establishment of the Amateur Fishermen’s Association of Queensland and the regulation of fishing practices. The original clubhouse still stands on the waterfront at the end of South Esplanade – about 1.5 kilometres south of here.

Although nothing remains of Bribie’s fish canneries today, there are plenty of places along the foreshore here where you can enjoy the local catch of the day.

“The popularity of the Diver brand is increasing every day. The public welcome the advent of mullet, bream and schnapper caught and canned in Moreton Bay.” Brisbane Truth 1908.

2. Every street tells a story - Bestman and Cotterill Avenue are named for two friends who were behind Bongaree's first general store and Dairy.

The nearby Hall, Bestman and Cotterill Avenues take their names from the friends and families behind Bribie’s first general store and dairy farm.

Arthur Bestmann was born at Toorbul Point in 1887 and lived on Bribie from the early 1900s. Alfred Hall was a Toowong merchant and regular visitor to Bribie.

Artie and Alf became mates and business partners, establishing Hall and Bestmann Bribie Store in 1914. An early advertisement declared “We stock the best brands of goods procurable … at Brisbane prices.”

The store was located near the corner of today’s Toorbul Street and First Avenue.

(Bestmann subsequently came to favour the spelling ‘Bestman’ – which is why the street and store are spelt differently.)

In the 1920s, Artie and Alf developed a dairy farm on several hundred acres here. Alf’s niece Emma and her husband Wilf Cotterill migrated from England to work on the farm. The Cotterills ultimately took over the operation, which came to be known as Cotterill Farm.

As Bribie at the time was home to just a handful of residents, the many campers and day trippers were valued customers of Cotterill Farm. And of course Hall and Bestmann Store was their main outlet. In the early 1940s, Cotterill Farm also supplied fresh milk to the military forces located on Bribie and at Toorbul Point (now Sandstone Point).

Cotterill Dairy continued to operate until 1960, as the farmlands were gradually subdivided for housing. The original Cotterill farmhouse remained on Hall Avenue until 2008.

3. A creek called Shirley - named for Bill Shirley an early enterprising resident of Bribie.

Shirley Creek is named for Bill Shirley – an early trailblazer and enterprising resident of Bribie.

After serving with the Australian Army Engineers in the First World War, Bill established a contracting business in Brisbane. In 1923, he was contracted by the Brisbane Tug and Steamship Company to clear a path across the island.

This would pave the way for the construction of a road from the Steamship Company Jetty to Ocean Beach – today’s ‘Woorim’. Bill was subsequently appointed construction supervisor and then tollkeeper of the new road. This ‘Ocean Beach Road’ is today known as ‘First Avenue’.

In 1927, the Shirley family relocated to Bribie. The enterprising Bill established a bus service, became a land agent, and developed and operated the Ocean Beach Guesthouse – near where the surf club now stands at Woorim. The two-storey guesthouse comprised comfortably appointed guestrooms, sundeck, dining room, dance hall, post office and shop.

By 1933, Bill – the unofficial ‘Bribie Mayor’ – was appointed the first Honorary Councillor representing Bribie Island. To attend monthly meetings at Caboolture Shire Council, he would travel by steamship to Brisbane, stay overnight, then continue by train to Caboolture. He eventually swapped the three days of return travel for a motorboat, running across Deception Bay and up the Caboolture River.

Bill’s first major achievement as Bribie Councillor was to replace a plank walkway across the creek here – pictured above – with a substantial bridge in 1935. This opened up vehicular access for the burgeoning settlement of Bongaree.

4. The legend behind Welsby Parade - is Thomas Welsby - historian, businessman, sportsman, politician and novelist.

Welsby Parade, which runs along the foreshore here, is named for one of the great characters shaping Moreton Bay and Bribie – the landscape and legend.

Thomas Welsby (1858 – 1941) was a popular and respected businessman, sportsman, politician, historian and novelist. Above all, he was a seafarer, spending a lifetime exploring Moreton Bay. He was the author of numerous books of local history, as well as personal accounts of the region’s waters and islands, their sailing, fishing and shipwrecks.

Welsby was a founding member and early president of the Royal Historical Society of Queensland. He bequeathed his 2000 volume library to the society, whose collection today is known as the Welsby Library.

Welsby was a founding member of the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron, publishing a history of the club in 1918. He was an early president of the Amateur Fishermen’s Association of Queensland, whose clubhouse is on Bribie.

Spending his later years here, Welsby’s final book was ‘Bribie the Basket Maker’. It tells the story of a basket-weaving, fish-hawking convict named James Bribie. This likeable larrikin allegedly gave Bribie Island its name.

Despite a fondness for the story among locals, there are no records of a convict named ‘Bribie’ or similar. It’s probably a romantic retelling of another yarn – perhaps to further the Bribie Island legend!

5. Paving the way to Brisbane's closest surf beach - tells the story of how the road to Woorim was paved in 1924 and the commencement of the Surf Club.

At this site in 1924, with the opening of the Ocean Beach Road, Brisbane’s closest surf beach became that much closer and more accessible.

The Brisbane Tug and Steamship Company, which provided passenger services to Bribie, consulted the Royal Lifesaving Society about forming a club to patrol Ocean Beach (today’s ‘Woorim Beach’) over the summer holidays.

It was soon discovered that two Steamship Company contractors – Bert and Harold Blake – held lifesaving certificates. A lifesaving reel was procured, and Bert and Harold conducted the first patrols of Bribie’s Ocean Beach.

The Steamship Company eagerly promoted surfing at Bribie and offered free passage for members of Brisbane’s Metropolitan Life Saving Club in return for patrolling the surf beach.

In 1927, the Steamship Company donated a prefabricated house to serve as a clubhouse. Donations were collected on the trip to Bribie to fund fitout and equipment.

In 1933, the Bribie Island Surf Lifesaving Club was officially founded. The clubhouse was destroyed by fire in 1964, but with fundraising a new clubhouse was ready for the summer holiday season.

‘First Avenue’ as it’s known today (opposite here) remains the main route connecting Bongaree with the oceanside and Woorim – and connecting Brisbane with its closest surf beach.

6. A legendary retriever named Ranger - Bribie's own "red" dog who was the surf lifesavers pal in the 1930s.

Arguably Bribie’s most famous dog, Ranger had no one owner, but he had many friends and carers. A black retriever, Ranger was an honorary member of the Surf Life Saving Club and an important part of their team.

Legend has it, when the steamships from Brisbane would dock here at Bongaree, Ranger would be there to greet the new arrivals. He would then race off down Ocean Beach Road, covering the five kilometres to the surf club in ample time to be ready and waiting when the bus arrived.

When the lifesavers were on patrol, so was Ranger. He was first in and last out. He would swim out beyond the farthest swimmer, staying in the water for hours. The legend of Ranger even made the pages of the Sydney Morning Herald.

When Ranger the legendary retriever died in 1936, the flag at the surf club was flown at half-mast. The lifesavers buried Ranger beside the clubhouse, overlooking the sea. For decades, a small wooden memorial stood among the sand dunes. The epitaph is reproduced above.

Bribie is the perfect place to walk, run and swim your own legendary companion. But we no longer let our dogs free-range like Ranger. Much of Bribie is a wildlife sanctuary and national park.

So while many areas are dog friendly – and some off-leash – others are strictly off limits

7. Bribie's indigenous people - describes their rich culture and traditions.

Like all of Australia, Bribie had a rich Indigenous culture prior to European occupation. Information gleaned from early colonial accounts and today’s archaeological research portray a thriving society with complex social structures.

The bountiful landscape supported a largely sedentary society. The Indigenous people of Bribie lived in small communities, in semi-permanent dwellings. They lived in balance with the natural environment, with the seasons, custom and lore governing their way of life.

Being saltwater people, their diet was largely marine based, including fish, shellfish, crustaceans, dugong and turtle. ‘Tow row’ fishing nets were woven from plant fibres. Fish traps were assembled with stones – remnants of these can still be seen today.

Plants and fruits were also an important part of the diet. The rhizome of the Bungwall fern, for instance, was pounded with stones, then roasted to make a ‘damper’. As there is no naturally-occurring stone on the sandy Bribie, all stone was introduced.

Early descriptions of the local Indigenous people note their tall stature, robust health, friendliness and generosity. This warm welcome turned to hostility as Bribie’s first people were driven from their country and their livelihoods were taken away.

Archaeological research reveals the once-thriving first people of Bribie. By studying the bora rings, scarred trees, stone tools and shell middens they left behind – some dated at around 3500 years – we can see how the local Indigenous people once lived. And how their descendants – today’s traditional custodians – maintain their connection with this wonderful place.

8. Bribie's first European guests - three men, in 1823, lived for over three months with Bribie's indigenous people.

The first Europeans to live on Bribie were three convicts who were marooned in Moreton Bay in 1823.

Ticket-of-leave convicts Thomas Pamphlett and Richard Parsons, along with convict John Finnegan, had been assigned to work on a timber-getting expedition. They had set out from Sydney in March in a 10-metre open boat heading south for the Illawarra. Caught in a violent storm, they were blown far off-course to the north.

After 25 days lost at sea and disoriented, they became wrecked on Moreton Island in April. A fourth member of their party, John Thompson, died at sea.

Aided by the local Indigenous people, the trio travelled to the mainland and up the elusive and yet to be surveyed and named ‘Brisbane River’. Returning to the river mouth, they headed north, thinking they were south of Sydney. They reached Bribie in September.

Welcomed by the local Indigenous people, the trio remained in the area for several weeks. It was only when they were stumbled upon by Surveyor General John Oxley in November that the castaways came to realise how far off-course they truly were.

The castaways returned the favour by leading the surveyor to the large river that had thus far eluded him and those who came before him.

9. Bribie's oldest house and Australia's first opera - Emily and Norman Coungeau bought land on Bribie in 1912 .

For more than 30 years in the late 19th and early 20th century, Emily and Naoum (Norman) Coungeau ran a hugely popular café and wine bar in Brisbane’s Queen Street. The ‘Olympian Café’, as it came to be known, grew to occupy two city buildings. The Coungeaus lived in an apartment above the café. That is, until they retired to their favourite holiday spot – Bribie.

The Coungeaus purchased land in Bongaree and commissioned Brisbane architects Hall and Dods to design their home in the Queensland style. Their Bribie retirement retreat was built in 1915–16.

Norman was a keen surfer, and regularly hiked the five kilometres across the island to the surf beach. Emily was a widely published and highly regarded poet. With much of her work penned while living on Bribie, she is an early exponent of a uniquely Queensland verse. Her work ‘Princess Mona’ – a fantastic interpretation of the ANZAC legend – provided the libretto for Australia’s first professionally staged opera ‘Auster’.

The Coungeaus’ commercial success saw them become generous philanthropists and patrons of the arts. Emily was a passionate supporter of women’s causes. The Coungeaus bequeathed their beloved Bribie home to the Anglican Church.

‘Coungeau House’, as it’s known today, is now owned and operated by the Toc H organisation, providing holiday accommodation for people in need. Located about 500 metres from here at 36 Banya Street, Coungeau House is the oldest home built on Bribie that is still standing today.

10. Campbell's Boat Shed and Cash Store - the story of a family who played a key role in Bribie's early history.

This creek was originally known as Campbell Creek. It was named for a family that played a key role in servicing Bribie’s early visitors and the growing settlement of Bongaree.

In 1905, Joe and Clara Campbell managed an extensive oyster farming operation on the Pumicestone Passage. After World War I, Joe and son Reg opened a boat shed on the creek near here, hiring out boats to campers. The creek was much larger at the time, providing a natural harbour.

In 1933, Reg married Vera Huet and they established Campbell’s Cash Store. Reg and Vera’s local knowledge of the best fishing spots, bait and tackle was much in demand and freely shared with their customers. Campbell’s Cash Store remained the heart and hub of South Esplanade and the Bongaree community until the mid 1960s.

The Campbells also operated a popular oyster kiosk near the Steamship Company Jetty – so visitors could fill up or stock up for the trip back to Brisbane. Today, there are lots of places along the esplanade here where you can enjoy the local catch of the day.

Coincidentally, it was another Campbell – George P Campbell – who played a major part in developing the early steamship services and accommodation that would see Bribie become one of the most popular destinations in Australia, receiving up to 5000 visitors each week. Campbell Street here in Bongaree is named for George.

11. A birdwatcher's paradise - Bribie Island is world-renowned for its wonderful natural environment.

Bribie is world-renowned for its wonderful natural environment. In 1921, the island was declared a wildlife sanctuary. Today, much of the coastal fringe and all of the surrounding waters are protected under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance.

From September each year, thousands of migratory shorebirds arrive in the region from as far afield as Siberia and Alaska. Species such as Bar-tailed Godwits, Eastern Curlews and Red-necked Stints come to escape the northern winter, setting off again for the northern summer breeding season from March.

Resident waders – such as Australian Pied Oystercatchers and Red-capped Plovers – can be seen on local beaches throughout the year. Native ducks – including Chestnut Teals and the occasional Shoveler – can be seen at wetlands. If you have a keen eye, you may even spy a Black-necked Stork or Glossy Ibis.

One of the best places to experience Bribie birdlife is Buckley’s Hole Conservation Park – about 650 metres further along from here. This 88-hectare site comprises a freshwater lagoon, bird hide, forest and beach. Some 290 bird species have been recorded here, rivalling Kakadu.

According to local legend, a fisherman named Sam Buckley favoured a pocket of deep water offshore from here. This area, along with the lagoon, came to be collectively known as ‘Buckley’s Hole’.

12. Amateur Fishermen's Association of Queensland - is one of the longest running organisations of its kind in Australia.

The Amateur Fishermen’s Association of Queensland is one of the longest running organisations of its kind in Australia. It was established in 1904, when around 100 concerned local anglers lobbied the Queensland Government to regulate fishing practices due to widely reported declines in fish numbers.

This led to the establishment of rules and regulations around fish species size, catch limits, seasons and equipment used for both recreational and commercial fishing – to protect fish stocks, prevent overfishing and safeguard the fishing tradition. AFAQ members reported the catching of undersized fish and inappropriate netting practices to the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Stock.

The members collected, identified and preserved specimens of fish from Moreton Bay to document and monitor fish stocks. The collection today comprises more than 300 specimens, a selection of which is often on display at the Bribie Island Seaside Museum.

If you walk a further 100 metres from here past the end of the esplanade, you can see the original clubhouse and museum – J Douglas Ogilby Cottage, built in 1925, which remains the AFAQ headquarters. A prime, absolute waterfront location and a top fishing spot!

The clubhouse was named in memory of ichthyologist James Douglas Ogilby who worked at the Queensland Museum and curated the AFAQ’s early collections of specimens, books and memorabilia.

Bribie Island Historical Society webpage's-heritage-trail-signs

Monday 27 May 2024

Bribie Passage Estate - 1962 - Ningi Creek - Toorbul Point

The lots of land mentioned below were first offered for sale in 1920 and advertised as The Koopa Estate. In 1962 construction began on the new Bribie Island Bridge and the final stage of the bitumen road to Toorbul Point increasing the potential interest in building holiday homes in the area.

Bribie Passage Estate, Toorbul Point - in 1962

158 lots - the estate would later become known as the township of Ningi

Follow the Bruce Highway to Caboolture. Turn right at the Caboolture Post Office and continue on along the new Toorbul Point Road...

This is the resort area of amazing potential - The Bribie Bridge, unlocking the island playground, is already nearing completion. Work on the final stage of bitumen road to Toorbul Point is now underway, and will be completed within two months. 

Land already in strong demand - last year the first section of this estate (consisting of 140 blocks) was sold out within a few weeks.

Only 35 miles from Brisbane - less than an hour's drive on bitumen roads from Brisbane...

from a full page advertisement for
Bribie Passage Estate Toorbul Point
source: newspaper 12 May 1962

No finer fishing, swimming, boating - Bribie Passage has long been recognised as one of the finest fishing grounds in the State. ... Swimming enthusiasts may choose between the white sandy sheltered beaches of the Passage, or make the two-mile bitumen run to the ocean-side surf.

Managing Agents: Ross McCowan, Queen Street (next door Allan & Stark), Brisbane.

Source: Full page advertisement by Ross McCowan, newspaper 12 May 1962

Related article:
The Koopa Estate - 1920 - Toorbul Point - Ningi Creek

Thursday 25 April 2024

Field Hospital Bribie 1965

In September 1965 a Field Hospital was set up at Woorim as part of the field training of the 3rd Clearing Station of the Australian Army. The 50-bed hospital set up was open to public inspection for a day and many local people took the opportunity to visit. Below are two articles which appeared in the Bribie Star at that time.

Field Hospital Training at Woorim (September 1965)

Field Hospital

An Army group is to visit Bribie Island in September to set up a Field Hospital of 50 beds. The Field Hospital will be located near the partly constructed Koolamarra Motel from the 13th to the 17th September. The Commanding Officer, Lt. Colonel Wainer, has issued an invitation to the public to visit the hospital which will be open for inspection on Thursday 16th September.
Source: Bribie Star, v.4 no. 5, 27 August 1965, p. 2

Aerial view (cropped) 11 July 1967.
Moreton Bay and Adjoining mainland,
run 3, 24,000 ft. QAP1747 frame 24.

Field Training for the Army (September 1965)

Bribie Island was chosen for the field training of the 3rd Clearing Station. This is an element of the Army that includes in its training the setting up of a Field Hospital in various places each month.

Although this element would depend on other Army services such as supply and engineers, it is a complete hospital of 50 beds, the job of the staff being to take care of urgent casualties whose lives would be further endangered by a lapse of time taken to get them to a permanent or general hospital.

In modern times these casualities are very often picked up by helicopter directly from battalion or patrol positions and taken to the advanced field hospital.

The 50-bed hospital set up on Bribie was open to public inspection on the 17th September and was fully equipped to handle all emergencies. It is all under canvas. These canvas centres are very cool, having a double roof, allowing a passage of air between the inner and outer canvas and are dug in in war areas.

The hospital has a reception room for receiving patients. The next step is a resuscitational centre for pre-operational treatment. This theatre is fully equipped with a portable X-ray machine complete with dark room and sterilizing equipment. ... From the operating theatre the patient is transferred to a main ward, also under canvas. The hospital is also equipped with a very well stocked pharmacy and also a sick bay for its own staff of 75 men who are fully trained to the standards of the nursing staff of other and civilian hospitals. To cater for this staff the unit has to carry all the necessary equipment to feed them and care for their everyday needs.

The Head Teacher of the Bribie State School was pleased to accept an invitation to the staff and children to visit the Army Field Hospital at Woorim.

Pupils travelled by bus and bicycles for the hour-long tour over the hospital on 16th September.

A number of Army personel explained the procedure and functioning of various party of the unit. Real patients who aided in illustrated talks aroused in the children particular interest and sympathy. Equipment for blood transfusions, X-rays and blood tests were all demonstrated. Visitors also saw techniques used for resuscitation.

A highlight to conclude the occasion was a drink of water from a large aluminium Army mug!
Source: Bribie Star, v.4 no. 7, 24 September 1965, p.4


Aerial view (cropped) 11 July 1967. Moreton Bay and Adjoining mainland, run 3, 24,000 ft. QAP1747 frame 24. QImagery.

Field Hospital. Bribie Star, v.4 no. 5, 27 August 1965, p. 2

Field Training for the Army. Bribie Star, v.4 no. 7, 24 September 1965, p.4